Friday, November 7, 2008

6 Weeks Later...

Here are my first progress numbers from October 25, 2008...
Weight: 217
Body Fat Percentage: 17
Chest: 42.5
Waist: 37.5
Hips: 42.5
Thigh: 25.5
Calf: 16
Upper Arm: 16.5
Forearm: 12.5

And the photos:

So, I've lost some weight and some body fat. I definitely need to work my legs more, it would seem. Although I have to keep in mind that fat coming off and muscle going on can mess with those measurements AND my weight. That body fat number is good to keep an eye on.

More numbers and photos in 4 short weeks!

The Starting Line

Here are my starting numbers from September 14th, 2008...
Weight: 220
Body Fat Percentage: 20
Chest: 43
Waist: 39.75
Hips: 43
Thigh: 25.5
Calf: 16
Upper Arm: 16
Forearm: 12.5

And my starting photos...

Here we go!

Well, here we are: my first blog post!
I wanted to start this blog as accountability to keep me going! It's one thing to fail myself, it's another to fail anyone who reads this! How embarassing would it be to screw up when the world is watching?!

I'm actually already 8 weeks into my workout and diet plan. So, there have already been gains and losses since I started. I'll show all my numbers and photos from the first 6 weeks in my next post. I'll measure and take photos again at week 12.

My goal: A six-pack by Christmas. Can I do it? I sure as heck hope so!!! :-D